Some programs specify every course you need to take during your studies. Other programs require choices, electives and options. In all cases, the program of study in the Academic Calendar determines the courses you must complete and the requirements you must meet in order to graduate.

Academic advisors can help you understand your program of study. Once you know what courses you require, use myStudentSystem to search for courses, plan your schedule and enrol in your classes.

Plan your program

Throughout your studies, follow the program of study outlined in the Academic Calendar for the year you were admitted to the program or the year you declared your major or minor. Consult with an academic advisor in your faculty or school to confirm the planning process.

Current Academic Calendar Previous Calendars

Watch the video: Academic Planning

Contact an academic advisor in your faculty or school when you have questions about program planning, course selection, prerequisites—anything to do with your program of study or program regulations.

  • Check your MacEwan University email often for communication from academic advisors.
  • Visit your program’s Advising & Support page for program planning resources and contact information.

Program websites

You must officially declare your major (and minor, if applicable) in the following programs:

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of Communication Studies*
  • Bachelor of Music
  • Bachelor of Science

You can choose to declare a major in:

  • Bachelor of Design

*In Bachelor of Communication Studies, you must redeclare your major and declare a minor. You may declare a different major than you selected when you applied to the program. However, we strongly recommend that you speak with an academic advisor before making this change.


We recommend that you declare your major and/or minor prior to completing 45 credits towards your degree.

You may declare earlier. Declaring your major and minor allows you to enrol in sections and/or courses that are reserved for declared students. You will also have an earlier enrolment date than undeclared students.

You may redeclare later. However, a late declaration will likely extend the amount of time and number of courses you need to complete your degree.

Degree & graduation requirements

You are bound by the degree requirements published in the Academic Calendar for the year you declare or redeclare your major and minor. This includes the institutional graduation requirements and the degree requirements for all components of your degree. Make sure to plan your program using the Academic Calendar for the year you process your declaration or redeclaration.

Declaration period

  • Declarations open: September 1
  • Deadline to declare competitive majors/minors: January 15
  • Deadline to declare non-competitive majors/minors: February 10

Declaration process

Use myStudentSystem to declare or redeclare your major and/or minor.

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Academic Records.
  4. Select Major/Minor Declaration in the menu.
  5. Click Submit New Request.
  6. Select your Major/Minor Choice from the dropdown list. Click on the magnifying glass beside the description box to see a list of options. Click on the ID number beside your choice to make a selection.
  7. Read the acknowledgement statement and check the box beside I Agree to confirm your choice(s).
  8. Click Submit.
  9. Read all warning messages carefully and click OK to proceed or Cancel to go back.


You will receive notification of any declaration status changes via your myMacEwan student Gmail account. To confirm your declaration has been processed correctly, review your request in myStudentSystem:

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Academic Records.
  4. Select Major/Minor Declaration in the menu to review your choices, request status and dates.

When you declare a competitive major/minor in the Bachelor of Music (composition or performance), the program will determine eligibility and confirm your acceptance by May 1.

Change your declaration

If you wish to change your major or minor, you must redeclare both. Use myStudentSystem to repeat the declaration process. Use the Academic Calendar for the year you redeclare to determine the requirements you need to meet for graduation. We urge you to consult an academic advisor before you make this change.

Declaration year

Refer to the table below to determine which Academic Calendar to use based on the year you officially declare or redeclare.

If you declared or redeclared ... Academic Calendar Year
Declaration Year
On or after September 1, 2024 and before or on February 15, 2025 2024/2025 2024
On or after September 1, 2023 and before or on February 15, 2024 2023/2024 2023
On or after September 1, 2022 and before or on February 15, 2023 2022/2023 2022
On or after September 1, 2021 and before or on February 15, 2022 2021/2022 2021
On or after September 1, 2020 and before or on February 15, 2021 2020/2021 2020
On or after September 1, 2019 and before or on February 15, 2020 2019/2020 2019
On or after September 1, 2018 and before or on February 15, 2019 2018/2019 2018
On or after September 1, 2017 and before or on February 15, 2018 2017/2018 2017
On or after December 1, 2016 and before or on February 15, 2017 2016/2017 2016
On or after December 1, 2015 and before or on March 1, 2016 2015/2016 2015

If you were admitted to your program or declared your major in Fall 2019 or later, you have access to the Academic Program Progress Report (APPR) and the What if Report (WHIF) in myStudentSystem. The APPR shows you where you are at in your academic progression. The WHIF will allow you to see what would be required if you were to change your program or change your major/minor. 

Use myStudentSystem to track your Academic Progess

Use myStudentSystem to enrol in classes

You can begin enrolling in classes using myStudentSystem on or after your enrolment date.

You are assigned an individual and unique enrolment appointment date for Fall and Winter terms. The earliest appointments are scheduled in March; however, your date may be scheduled as late as July. Spring/Summer term enrolment opens on the same date in February for all eligible students.

New applicants

If you are a new applicant, your admission confirmation deposit must be processed before you can access enrolment or view your enrolment dates. Please allow 24 hours after you make a payment to view your enrolment information in myStudentSystem.

Find your enrolment dates

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Manage Classes.
  4. Select Enrollment Dates in the menu.

Browse the course catalog to review course descriptions and prerequisites.

Open Studies Students

Use the Open Studies course search.

Browse the course catalog

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Manage Classes.
  4. Select Browse Course Catalog from the menu.

You can also find course descriptions and prerequisites in the Academic Calendar.

Use the schedule planner to find classes at times that work best for you. Make note of the class numbers once you have built a schedule you like. Then, use the class number to search myStudentSystem and add the class to your shopping cart. You cannot enrol in classes directly from the schedule planner.

Access the schedule planner

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Manage Classes.
  4. Select Schedule Planner from the menu.
  5. Take the guided tour to learn more about this planning tool.
  6. Set your preferences and then search for classes.

Access the schedule planner outside myStudentSystem at this link: https://myschedule.macewan.ca/

Following are basic definitions of the instruction modes to help you plan your schedule:


Taught face-to-face during regularly scheduled class times.

Online — Asynchronous

Asynchronous online learning does not require real-time interaction; instead, content is available online for students to access when it best suits their schedules. Assignments are completed to deadlines.

Online — Synchronous

Synchronous online learning happens in real time during a scheduled class time. Online activities vary depending on the course and the instructor. Examples of synchronous activities might include online lectures, class discussions (optional or mandatory), office hours and exam reviews.


Hybrid learning incorporates both an in-person and online component.

Independent Learning

Instructional activities that allow students to pursue a specific topic of interest. Students work independently with a professor who acts as a research, field-specific, or performance supervisor. There are no formal class meetings, lectures, or readings other than what is agreed to with the supervisor. (This can include research courses, private lessons, or other one-on-one instructors).


HyFlex combines the terms "hybrid" and "flexible." Each scheduled class is offered in-person, and synchronously online. HyFlex represents a small proportion of the classes offered.

Use only one browser or browser window at a time

If you leave a page and return after it has been refreshed, your session will freeze. You will be forced to exit and log in again and you will lose your work in the process. We recommend that you search and add classes using only one browser or browser window at a time.

Search for a class

Watch the video: Class Search & Enroll

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Manage Classes.
  4. Select Class Search in the menu.
  5. Choose a term.
  6. Enter a keyword (subject, course or class number).
  7. Click >> at the end of the search box or hit return to see a list of results grouped by course number.
  8. Use additional filters to refine your results. By default, the search will return open classes. Uncheck this filter or click the circled X above your results to view additional classes that are closed or have a waitlist.
  9. Clicking on a course row will open a list of class sections with scheduled days, times, rooms and availability. Clicking on the blue hyperlink will open additional class information. 
Reserve Capacity Limits tell you which programs have access to the class

If a class has more than one Reserve Limit, you cannot tell who the enrolled spots belong to. If all the spots for your program are taken, you will get an error message at the end of your enrolment telling you the section is full. At that time, you can go back and add yourself to the waitlist.

Watch the video: Reserve Capacity Limits

Add a class to your shopping cart

Your Shopping Cart does not hold your spot in the class or represent your final enrolment. After you add classes to your shopping cart, you must enrol to add the classes to your official term schedule.

  1. From your search results, select a class section by clicking anywhere in the row outside the blue hyperlink.
  2. Ensure this is the class you want and note the last refund date. Click the Next button.
  3. Review your class preferences. 
    • Choose to add yourself to a waitlist if the course is full.
    • Enter a permission number if required. Most classes DO NOT require a permission number.
  4. Review the class details one more time and click Submit.
  5. You will receive a confirmation that your class has been added to your Shopping Cart.

You can add multiple classes to your cart or proceed directly to enrolment for each individual class.

You must add classes to your shopping cart before you can complete enrolment.

Prior to your enrolment date you will see the option to Delete courses from your shopping cart. On or after your enrolment date, you will have the option to Delete or Enroll.

Complete enrolment

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Manage Classes.
  4. Select Shopping Cart and Enroll from the menu.
  5. Select a term to see the list of classes you have added.
  6. Check the box beside the class(es) you want to enrol in.
  7. Click Enroll.
  8. Check the confirmation message:
  • A green check mark means you have successfully enrolled in the class or have been added to a waitlist. You will see your waitlist position number in the confirmation message.
  • A red x means the transaction was not completed. Read the confirmation message to find out why.

You can add yourself to a waitlist for most classes. If a spot becomes available and you meet the requirements to enter the class, you will be automatically enrolled and notified by email.

Remember, search results show available classes by default. If you wish to add a waitlisted class to your shopping cart, uncheck the Open Classes Only filter. Waitlisted classes will appear at the bottom of the list.

Join a class waitlist

Watch the video: Adding yourself to a waitlist

  1. Select class preferences for any class in your shopping cart.
  2. Change the selection to Yes beside the option to add yourself to a waitlist if the course is full.

Important notes

  • You can join the waitlist for a maximum of 9 credits.
  • Waitlisted classes do not count as prerequisites. You must be fully enrolled in a class for it to count as a prerequisite or corequisite.
  • Your position on the waitlist is system-generated. Staff do not have the ability to change your waitlist position number or bypass the list to enrol you.
  • Waitlisting for multi-component classes is not recommended and cannot be reversed.
  • Check for scheduling conflicts before joining a waitlist. The system will not enrol you if you are in another class at the same time or are already enrolled in a different section of the same course.
    • Use the swap function to join a waitlist if there is a conflict. The system will drop your enrolled class and add you into the waitlisted class automatically if a seat becomes available.
    • If you are skipped over on the waitlist due to a scheduling conflict, you will not lose your spot or be removed from the waitlist. Your position will remain the same until the scheduling conflict is resolved.
    • You can only enrol in one section of a class. If you are waitlisted for your preferred section and then enrol in another section after, you will be dropped from the waitlist. If you are waitlisted for two sections of the same class and get enrolled in one, the system will drop you from the other waitlisted section. If you are enrolled in one section and waitlisted in another section using the swap function, the enrolled class will be dropped if you are enrolled from the waitlist.

If you are not planning to attend a waitlisted class, you must drop it using myStudentSystem—all deadlines and fees apply if you are automatically enrolled in a class from a waitlist.

A permission number (PN) allows you to enrol in classes that are restricted to you in myStudentSystem. You may require a PN to enrol because: 

  • myStudentSystem does not recognize your transfer credit as the prerequisite.
  • You are taking a language course and must take a 200-level course due to high school prerequisites. 
  • You wish to take a spot in a class that belongs to another reserve capacity. 

In order to obtain a PN, please contact an academic advisor in your faculty or school. They will determine if you qualify and generate a PN for you if you meet the criteria. 

Include the following information when you request a PN: 

  • Your full name 
  • Your student ID number
  • The term you are requesting a section for (e.g., Fall) 
  • The course and class section number you want to take (e.g., ENGL 102 AS01) 
  • Your reason for requesting a PN

Faculty/School Advising

The swap function allows you to exchange one class for another when building your schedule.

If the class you want is full, you can remain enrolled in your current section and join a waitlist. If a spot becomes available, the system will automatically swap you from your enrolled class to the waitlisted class and send an email notification to your MacEwan account.

You must be enrolled in at least one class in order to use the swap function.

Watch the videos:

Before you drop or withdraw from a class, check deadlines and review policies that may affect your financial aid, fee assessment, grades and academic standing.

Drop/Withdraw Process

Drop or withdraw from a class or all classes

Watch the video: dropping enrolled & waitlisted classes

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Manage Classes.
  4. Select Drop Classes in the menu.
  5. Choose a term.
  6. You will see a list of your enrolled and waitlisted courses for the term. Check the box beside the class or classes you wish to drop.
  7. Click next.
  8. Review the classes selected for the transaction. Click the Drop Classes button.
  9. In the pop-up window that appears, click Yes to confirm your choice(s) or No to cancel.
  10. Review the confirmation message(s). Ensure you see a green checkmark for each class you wish to drop.
  11. Check all terms and repeat the process to drop all classes. Double-check that your class schedule is empty.

The Enrollment and Account Summary lists your courses, credits, schedule, room numbers and start dates. It includes a breakdown of all charges, payments and refunds issued for the term. The summary is based on the courses you have enrolled in—if you add or drop courses, your summary will change.

To see an overview of classes and charges for a term:

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca using your MacEwan username and password.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Manage Classes, Fees or Financial Aid (the same information is produced in all three locations).
  4. Click on Enrollment and Account Summary in the menu.
  5. Select a term from the list.
  6. A PDF will open in a new window. Ensure you have turned off your pop-up blocker.
Drop/Withdraw from classes

Before you drop or withdraw from a class, check deadlines and review policies that may affect financial aid, fee assessments, grades and academic standing.


Academic progress

Academic progress functionality is available only for students who started their program or declared their major(s)/minor(s) on or after the Fall 2019 term. If you started or declared prior to this date, please continue to see an academic advisor in your faculty or school for program planning information.

The Academic Program Progress Report (APPR) shows your progress toward the completion of your certificate, diploma or degree. It identifies transferred, enrolled, and completed courses and matches them to program requirements. It also identifies outstanding program requirements.

The APPR is an unofficial document and is best used in conjunction with the Academic Calendar and in consultation with an academic advisor. If you have previous post-secondary credits, International Baccalaureate (IB) or Advanced Placement (AP) courses or a previous MacEwan diploma or degree, your APPR may not be accurate.

Generate your APPR

Watch the video: Academic Program Progress Report

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Academic Progress.
    • Click on the Print APPR menu item to generate a .pdf report which you can download or print, or
    • Click on the Academic Progress menu item to use an interactive version of the report with links to course descriptions and class schedules.

Use the APPR to track your progress in your program

Watch the video: Understanding Program Requirements - Academic Program Progress Report

Use the interactive version of the APPR report—with links to course descriptions and class schedules—to add classes to your shopping cart.

View your Interactive Academic Program Progress Report

  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Academic Progress.
  4. Click on the Academic Progress menu item.

Watch the video: Enrol by requirements

A What-if Report (WHIF) allows you to see how the courses you have completed towards your current program would meet requirements towards another program or a different major.

Generate a What-if Report (WHIF)


  1. Log in to myPortal.MacEwan.ca.
  2. Launch myStudentSystem from the Quick Links menu.
  3. From your student homepage, select Academic Progress.
  4. Click on the Request What-If Report menu item.
  5. You will see the Academic Calendar Year of the report and have the option to print an APPR for your current program. Under the heading What-if Academic Program,
    • Select a new Academic Program and a new Major/Minor Choice, or
    • Select your current academic program and select a new Major/Minor Choice
  6. Click Submit Request.
  7. A pop-up window will open with a .pdf version of your report which you can download or print.

Use the WHIF to see your progress in an alternate program

Watch the video: Understanding program requirements - Running a what-if scenario

Audit courses without credit
Receive official permission to attend lectures. Audited courses cannot be used to meet certificate, diploma or degree requirements.
Audit courses
Take courses at another institution
Take courses at other recognized universities for transfer credit or enrol in a course at MacEwan while studying at another institution.
Visiting Students
Academic Calendar
The Academic Calendar is the official annual record of academic programs and courses, graduation requirements and MacEwan regulations.